While you may not be thinking about getting a pool in the colder winter months, by the time the hot weather rolls around again you might find it's a bit late to get your pool installed. Here are the steps involved in getting your pool installed. 


While you may have a vague idea of what size and kind of pool you'll like, the pool installation company needs some time to do a detailed plan. Particularly if you have an older house you may find that your service pipes including sewage, power, phone or gas may run through the yard in an unusual configuration. The pool design needs to take these into account, and the more unusual the shape and slope of the yard the longer this design process will take. At the end of this process you should have a detailed quote, which can allow you if needed to go out and get finance approval for your pool. 

Council approval

Depending on your area, you may also need to seek council approval for your pool. This can take anything from weeks to months depending on the exact backlog and processes of your council. 

Excavations and earthworks

Following your design and approval process, it's time to get in the excavators to dig that big hole. The excavation process can be relatively quick if the team has easy access to your yard, but can take longer if you have a narrow block or accessibility issues. The earthworks will also help to create an even surface for the pool, which can include retaining walls or other structures if you have a sloped block. 


Finally you get to the exciting part - the pool gets installed. The installation of a fibreglass pool is relatively quick and takes place in a single day whereas a concrete pool can take a little longer depending on the size and complexity of your pool design. After installation, the company then needs to set up the pump and any other accessories such as pool heating or filters. 

Fencing and completion

Following installation you then need to get fencing and any final finishes such as landscaping or installing side sails. 

As you can see, it can easily take quite a few months to get a pool installed depending on the complexity of the job. If you want a pool installed by next summer, winter is a great time to get started on the construction process. 
